“LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE and Medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

Groundhog’s day was last week. If you are like me, you weren’t holding your breath for Ground Hogs day, but you might have been curious to know if warmer weather is on the way. The results are here! We have six more weeks of soup and coats.  I am not sure how accurate the groundhog’s prediction is, but I am excited about the soup.

Since we might be in for another six weeks of cold weather, I ventured online to find warm recipes for the extended winter season. Some of the recipes had reoccurring ingredients. So, I decided to dig a little deeper. Are certain ingredients better to use in the winter than at any other time of year? The answer is yes! 

Of course, you can eat nourishing food at any time of year, but it is even better when you eat them based on the season. Whether you are fighting the snow or things have been a little chilly, it is cold outside. Our bodies need a little extra care during these times to help us keep our healthy glow. Here are a few veggies that will help nourish you from the inside out during these cold times. (and of a couple of recipe suggestions.)

  • Carrots: Sweet, delicious, and orange. I love carrots. Carrots are the perfect vegetable for the winter because they have immunity-boosting properties and are easy to include in almost any dish. These root veggies are packed with beta-carotene and vitamin C. These will help keep your skin happy and glowing during the winter months.

  • Miso: Miso is fermented soybean. While soy is an excellent protein source in a plant-based diet, I use it in moderation because of its potential link to weak estrogenic or anti-estrogenic activities. When I use it, I make sure it’s good, and I get all the benefits. Miso is one of my favorite ways to consume soy. It has the antioxidant benefits of soy and gut health benefits from being fermented.

  • Leeks: I will admit, leeks are never at the top of my list for food ingredients. I mean, I like them; they just aren’t top of mind. After compiling this list, leeks will start popping up more in my recipes. Leeks are a natural diuretic. They help flush away toxins and are a great source of beta-carotene, vitamin C & K, and iron.

  • Sesame seed: Did you know that sesame seeds are known as the “seed of immortality”? Packed with anti-aging properties that aid in glowing skin and beautiful hair, these seeds are the perfect example of nourishing the body from the inside out. They are also known to have anti-inflammation properties. Sesame seeds are easy to add to salads, smoothies, or sprinkled atop any dish. My favorite way to reap the benefits of sesame seeds is with hummus.

  • Turnips: Now you know how much I love potatoes. I could eat potatoes for every meal of every day, but everything must be done in moderation - I guess lol. Turnips are an excellent swap for potatoes. They are packed with vitamins and minerals while also being low in saturated fat and cholesterol. You can roast, steam, or boil turnips. I am excited to try some new turnip recipes.

I hope that you try some of veggies in your winter diet. if you need a few suggestions, here are a few of our recipes where have used one or more of these ingredients:


